Tuesday, April 10, 2018

What's New?

Well it has been a while hasn't it??? And so much has happened... Here's a few of the big things:

FOOT: My foot still has a lot of scar tissue but I can move my toe more without a ton of pain so I have learned how to put more weight on it. 3.5 years later, it still bugs me but I am learning just to ignore it and stop letting it hold me back.

EYES: I got my eyes lasered!!! I took a brave step and went to Hoopes Vision in Draper, UT, and got my eyes VERY thoroughly examined and then after much deliberation, decided to have PRK surgery done on them. I learned the difference between Lasik and PRK surgery. Lasik is basically they cut a flap laser it and put the flap back. PRK is when they take off the top layer of "skin" (epithelial cells, I think they called them) and laser it and give you contact like "bandages" for a few days. PRK takes longer and hurts more but it is better if they find a weakness in your eyes. I compare it to if you cut yourself and you bleed it's like lasik; if you skin your knee it hurts worse, like PRK. Of course, I learned that PRK would be better on my eyes. Turns out my left eye cornea is weaker than they wanted and there was a chance my eyes would revert back after the surgery. So I had PRK to correct my eyes. My eyes were at -7 contact prescription and they said at least 20/1200, so basically I was super blind. Legally blind in Utah was 20/400 so ya that happened. I went thought with the surgery and my thoughts after having done the surgery are... one of my best decisions ever! Two years later and I can see great still and I don't have to wear contacts/glasses anymore. Not gonna lie but I do miss my glasses. (Side story: I also learned that me + valium = chatty, hyper Chloe. They gave me valium to calm me before the surgery but instead I was so hyper and excited and chatty. Kayla and Ayden were laughing. It also didn't have the calming affect they hoped for as I was super nervous and couldn't sit still. Thankfully "Love Me Like You Do" by Ellie Goulding came on in the operating room and I was listening to that to calm myself down, followed by the Backstreet Boys.)

TRAVEL: Last year I took my first European trip!! I went to Italy and Greece and that was also one of the best decisions of my life! It was a dream! I'll go into detail about it in a later post with some pics and all...

JOB: Sadly, AncestryProGenealogists and I have parted ways as of last May, but I'm excited for the future and what is to come. I have moved back to Colorado to get residency for grad school in Social Work. As of right now I'm thinking I want to go into substance abuse or victims advocacy. That may change as I get more into it but those are my current thoughts.

Right now I'm working at Lake Pueblo State Park and I love it! I love working with the people and my coworkers are awesome! I'll only be here till August, hopefully school will start after that (assuming I get accepted) but if not then we will see what the future will bring... I should find out soon!

Foot Update 1 year 5 months later

So its been over a year since my foot surgery, almost a year and a half now! I had hoped that the surgery would solve all my problems but unfortunately, that does not seem to be the case. My doctor keeps telling me that I need to keep massaging the scar tissue and he suggested seeing a physical therapist to help with the big toe joint that is always to painful. Basically, while the initial problem of a sore swollen foot went away, now I have to deal with a weak and sore big toe joint and a ton of scar tissue which causes the same problems that the other did. I really just need to save up my money and get a deep tissue massage and see a physical therapist.

I know not super exciting but better than nothing? its a constant work in progress... haha... Maybe someday my foot will be all better and I will be able to do more on it. It hurts real bad to put any weight on the balls of my feet so dancing is a struggle (although I just power through it cause I love it), running is painful and anything like planking/push ups have to be on my knees cause my foot can't handle it. I tried doing mountain climbers exercise and I fell and started crying cause my foot was so against it. Someday I will be able to do all I used to be able to do... 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Recovery Week 7 - STITCHES ARE OUT!!!

Oh my goodness! It has been a busy week! But on to the important things...


So I went to the doctor on Friday morning and went in. My foot was so gross! I still had an old lady foot, so I was excited to hopefully be able to wash my foot! As you can see, you can totally tell where Katie scrubbed my heel. My foot was so gross like skin was flaking off... bleh! 

Anyways, my doctor came in and was looking at my foot and was pushing really hard on it to double check to make sure it would hold. He then told me that he thought he could take the stitches out. He started out slowly to make sure it wouldn't open again. He then started pushing really hard on it again, once the stitches were out, to see if it would open again. It held. He then started to scrape some of the dead skin off. As he did that he pulled off the big piece that was the outer layer. He then said, "You are the slowest healer, who is not diabetic, that I have ever seen." It started bleeding lightly, but not much. He put Steri-Strips on it and then a bandage, so my sock wouldn't get bloody. Not much blood, but enough to put a bandaid on it. He told me not to put any weight on it until after our next visit, which was to be in 2 weeks. He said the part he dislikes the most about it is that it is gonna scar. 

I then went to work all day and went home. My doctor told me I could wash my foot so as soon as I got home, that's exactly what I did! It was such an exciting experience! I was able to scrub a ton of dead skin off and oh my gosh it was disgusting but so exciting at the same time! The area around the incision hurt so I tried to keep the water off that area. I scrubbed all the dead skin off except for right around the incision area. The Steri-Strips were attached to the skin around the incision area so to keep them on for as long as possible, I left the skin in that area. Its gross looking, but it could be worse right?

Its been an adventure. The first night it hurt so so so bad! The following days haven't been too too bad... but still sore. I can't put weight on it yet so I'm just waiting... 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Recovery Week 5-6 and The Dream

Sorry I've been slacking. I haven't had much to say so instead of just talking your ear off about nothing, I just haven't been writing like at all. But these weeks were pretty uneventful, except for my awful dream!

Awful Dream
So my dream started out with me waking up and getting in the shower. I accidentally got my bandage wet and it disintegrated. So I got scared and went to the doctor so he could check it out. When he looked at my foot it was completely healed except for one little spot. So he stuck a bandaid on it and told me that I could start walking, but to take it easy. So I left so excited to be walking again!
Raw Chicken Foot!!!! 
Somehow I all of a sudden was home with my family in Colorado and my dad asked me to go help my mom (since she is in a wheelchair), So I went and helped my mom inside up the three steps we have from the driveway to inside the house. I looked down cause my foot was sore and I looked at it and it had split from one end to the other. However, it wasn't bloody. It looked like raw chicken. I was scared and went right back to the doctor's office. He walked in looked at it and said, "I don't know why this isn't healing, but you're going to have to get used to it cause that is what your foot is going to look like forever." Then I woke up.

I was so out of sorts and just worried. It was so bad! I was so nervous. I know that's silly but it was just so crazy and bleh... I don't want a raw chicken foot!

My next appointment with the doctor was the next day and when they took the wrapping off my foot looked so gross! Its all dry-skin covered. GROSS! I was complaining about having an old lady foot before I told him about the dream. He laughed and told me that he will do his best to not let me get a raw chicken foot. He also checked my incision area and scraped some dead skin that had formed a callus off and told me that he was going to wait a week to take the stitches out just in case. He asked about my diet and I told him that I had been eating a lot of cereal because its easy and I don't like cooking on one leg. Its tiring. He told me to eat more protein, so goodbye cereal dinners. Then he wrapped it again and I asked about the post-op shoe he had mentioned during my previous appointment. We talked about it and I decided I wanted to get it. I really really really dislike my boot that I got after the surgery. I actually blame it for putting pressure on my incision area and causing the incision to open up again. Silly I know but that's the only possibility I can come up with. It also is super uncomfortable. The only upside is, it keeps my foot left warm.

Look how gross all the dead skin is! I want to scrub it off!
So I got the shoe and I have been using it for the last couple days. Its not super comfortable either but it is SOOOOOO much better than the boot cause it doesn't put pressure on my cut.

On Saturday night, my roommate came home and told me she had always wanted to buy a pedicure set thing with the dead skin scraper thing (not sure what they are called). So she did cause she had heard me talking about how gross my foot is. She asked if she could use it to scrape the dead skin off my heal, since that is the only part of my foot that is visible. I told her... YES PLEASE!!! She then scraped all the dead skin off my heal. It was gross. Pretty sure there was pretty close to 1/8 cup of dead skin in that thing! I have the best roommate to offering and then scraping dead skin off my foot. She made my day and not I'm not as embarrassed by my heel. It feels so nice to have at least my heel back to normal-ish-ness. Now if only everything would return to normal?

Well hopefully the next post will be about me getting my stitches out, and keeping them out. I think I am just a slow healer, or maybe the cereal diet has slowed my healing. Who knows.... I am going to eat protein like there is no tomorrow so I can heal this thing so I can start walking again, someday... My calves are different sizes so I may start walking in circles if that day ever comes....

Until next time! :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Recovery Week 4 - Happy Halloween!!!

Well... its been a pretty uneventful week. Since the weather changed I've been feeling a cold coming on, but now my symptoms are gone. My cut has started to itch so bad! Its so hard not to scratch it. Its a good thing its still wrapped!
This week was also Halloween! I've spent a lot of time trying to figure out what I should be for Halloween. I considered being Crutchy from Newsies, Mr. McNeally from Mr. Rogers, a pirate with my scooter being my ship. Last year I was a Newsie, and I didn't want to use my crutches. Since I can't drive, I scooter 5 blocks to the trax station. I didn't want to walk using my crutches all 5 blocks... so a Newsie was out. I just wasn't feeling Mr. McNeally so nope. I thought it would be fun to be a pirate, but I didn't have the time to build a pirate ship for my scooter. Also, I didn't have time to buy a costume. Its hard depending on others for rides and stuff.
I decided to be an injured hockey player! I did my own makeup and everything! My co-worker stated that I would be a perfect advocate for domestic violence. Oops! But it was fun! I had to keep telling people that it was just makeup not real. Even my friends, whom I had told of what I was gonna be, thought something had happened to me. It was funny!
So for Halloween night, I stayed at home and sat at the bottom of my stairs and waited for the little kids. It was super fun to give them candy and see the excitement on their faces. Two friends were over and we just hung out. It was fun!
Saturday I just chillaxed and it was great! On Sunday, Gabriel came up and we went to church, had dinner, watched a great fireside and just enjoyed each other's company. It was nice. I have two of the bestest friends who take such good care of me and I am just so grateful for them. Kayla is always willing to take me wherever I need to go and make sure I get to where I'm going. Gabriel calls me frequently to make sure I am doing okay and comes up whenever he can.
On Monday morning, I went to the doctor to get my foot checked out. There was no infection and it seemed to be doing well. He said he was going to leave the stitches in for one more week, just to be sure. Not sure when I can start walking, my guess is another two weeks. It looked good. There was dried blood from when they cleaned it and stitched it all up after. Thankfully it seems good so far, Hopefully, I can walk again soon and that everything will continue to heal correctly.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Stitches or No Stitches? That is the question...

So today has been an eventful day! I woke up early, showered, and got ready for the day. Kayla came and picked me up and we were off. She dropped me off at the podiatrist's office and went to work. I went in and everything went normal. The doctor took out my stitches, which was painful, but he said everything looked good.
After he had taken the stitches out, he told me that I couldn't walk on it for another week. After next week he told me that I could slowly start walking on my foot with my boot. He also told me that I couldn't soak my foot but that I could wash it! I was so excited! I haven't been able to wash my foot since the morning I had my surgery and it was still orange so I was ready to wash that thing! I scheduled an appointment for 3 weeks from today to see how it was looking and how walking on it was going. I left feeling pretty excited. The only problem now was my foot was really really sore from getting the stitches out. But that wasn't gonna ruin my day!
I left the doctor's office and scootered on over to hop on trax so I could get to work. I called my parents and the bishop's wife to let them all know that everything had gone well. I got to work and people were asking how my foot was and they were coming over to see what it looked like. After they left I
I gathered everything from work so I could work from home if needed and headed to the doctor. I didn't know what was wrong. I didn't know what had happened. I didn't know if this was normal or not but whatever was going on I was just nervous. All I was thinking was what did I do wrong. I hadn't put weight on it, I had done everything I had been doing before. I didn't know what had happened. The trip over there helped calm me down.
started working and then went to my meeting at 930. After the meeting, I showed another coworker and that was when I realized that something was right... There was a little bit of a liquidy, bloody something on my sock and coming out of my incision. It also looked like it had slightly split open. That didn't seem good so I called the doctor just in case. They told me to come in to have it checked out just to make sure everything was okay.
When I got to the doctor, I sat in the waiting room and started talking to a woman there who had a boot on her foot too. She had Plantar Fasciitis and was recovering from that. We chatted for a couple minutes before she was called back. While I was sitting out waiting, this woman and two children walked by. One had just gotten a cast off. The little girl looked up and said, "Grandma can I go to the doctor later today?" the grandma said "No. You don't need to. Why do you want to go there?" the little girl responded, "Cause I always want to be healthy!" It was super cute! Right after that I was called back.
I sat down in the chair and took off my boot and sock. It didn't have a lot of blood on it but there was some. The nurse looked at it and said oh wow, okay I know what happened, he'll want to see it just in case. I smiled and waited... wondering what had happened... haha
The doctor came in and asked what had happened. I told him what I knew leading up to me being back in there and he asked if I had stepped down on my foot. I hadn't and told him so. I almost felt like he wasn't believing me. I felt like a little kid who had done something wrong.. He was frustrated, pretty sure not at me but at the situation. But it almost felt like at me at times. He said it had split halfway open again so he was gonna try to put sterile strips on it to hold it together. After trying he said it wasn't going to work and that he was going to have to put stitches in it again. So they prepped everything to put stitches in it. He said the numbing stuff would hurt, and oh man he was right! It hurt so bad! But it worked pretty quickly. They then proceeded to clean my foot and flush it out and turn it orange again, haha. We joked about how people pay for that. He then put 5 stitches in.
They wrapped it all up again and told me come back next week. I got up and called the bishop's wife to ask for ride home cause I wasn't in the mood to ride trax home. She came and picked me up and took me to lunch at Cafe Rio. Then dropped me off at home. She was super sweet and made sure I was okay before she left.
So... basically, I'm like back at square 1 1/2. No trying to walk next week like I hoped and no washing my foot... Oh well... I always have been that friend that has the most random things happen to me so this would happen to me. Anyways, hopefully my next post has better news.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Note to self: Don't Fall on Your Injured Foot

So last night I was getting ready for a wedding reception. I had gotten dressed and pretty much all ready, I just had to run back and grab something from my room and then we were gonna all be ready to go.

First, let me say who "we" was. Kayla had come over and Gabriel and Chase had come up for this wedding reception of some good friends. We were gonna go show our support and just have a good time. So Kayla and Chase were sitting on the couch talking.

Anyways, I was on my crutches on my way back to my room when I slipped. I was trying to hurry and think I was going to fast, but my good/left foot went down and slipped and I started to go down. However, my bad/right jumped right out and caught me. HOLY WOW!!! Talk about painful! I screamed and Chase and Kayla asked if I was okay. I was but my foot was throbbing. I'm not exactly sure how I landed, but I think I landed on my toes and caught myself with the balls of my foot. Maybe not my best idea since I'm still healing and it hurts. I just stood there at the door to my room cause I couldn't move. My foot was throbbing. It felt like I had stretched the stitches or something when I landed. Gabriel had come back in at some point (lost track of everything except taking deep breaths and working on not screaming or crying but was slightly failing cause tears were still falling down my cheeks) and he came over to see if I was okay. I wasn't but didn't want to make a scene and also we had to leave soon for the reception.

It took a moment, but I grabbed my things and went back out to the living room. I finished getting all ready and put a smile on and was ready to go. We went to the reception and had a blast! After we got home, we put a movie on and I put ice on my ankle to help with any possible swelling that had happened. I wanted to like, cut off the bandage and see if/what had happened. But I didn't. It didn't hurt too bad after I got home, so I was just icing it and keeping it elevated just to be safe.

After the movie, I went to bed and I woke up a couple time during the night cause it was sore but nothing to, to bad. However, when I woke up the next morning... HOLY HANNAH! My whole foot hurt! I'm thinking that when I landed on it I bruised it or something... but wow! Talk about painful! Like parts I hadn't landed on hurt! It was weird..

When I woke up, I did my best to ignore the pain until I finally decided to get up and going for the day. I took a deep breath, and some ibprofen, and went about my day. It is still really sore right now, but not too bad. I figure, there is not blood I can see, and I'm going to see the doctor on Tuesday morning, so I can wait till then. I will let you know what happens! I hope I didn't do anything too bad and that I can still get my stitches out! haha :P